Experience the full potential of your workout
If you’re more excited for your workout to be over than for it to begin, it’s time to learn to connect instead of push through. Flow into Strong empowers you to find presence with yoga and unlock your potential with strength. This allows you to embrace how movement can expand your life and not just shrink your waistline

How we 
Flow Into Strong

  • Yoga flows to find your center
  • Strength training to unlock your potential  
  • ​Cardio classes to feel alive
  • ​My signature program: Flow Into Strong © (where we do it all!)
  • ​Stretching + mobility to care for your body
  • ​PLUS, tips to practice mindfulness — COMING SOON 

All-access pass to premium features 

  • Ask me questions in the app
  • Easy-to-follow videos
  • ​Download workouts for offline use
  • ​Stream workouts to your TV
  • ​Track your progress 
  • ​Collect health data
  • ​Share sweaty selfies to Instagram
Join my community today
I have connected and worked with thousands of individuals to help them find their strong! 
“So great. Alex turned me onto yoga through a different app and I’ve been hooked on a daily practice with her for almost a solid year since. Delighted and grateful that she has her own app with new yoga flows and this one is fantastic! Alex is a gifted teacher and though she doesn’t know it, she’s helped me work through a lot of stagnant energy. Xoxo”
“I am beyond excited that Alex has her own app now and absolutely loved the Flow into Strong session. I can’t wait to try out more workouts! Her instructions are always so clear and I love her enthusiasm and genuine joy to move.”
"Alex introduced me to a version of myself that I didn't know existed. She challenged me not only physically, but mentally. In many of our sessions I found myself saying 'I can't do that' but time after time she reminded me that I could. And more often than not, I did. I learned new skills and consistently increased weight over time to make me feel incredibly strong. I feel confident going to the gym on my own when I need to using the tools she gave me. She listened to my goals and challenged me to meet them. I am a changed woman having Alex in my life!" 
Meet Alex Silver-Fagan
Picture this, I’m 18 years old, brand new to NYC, with no clue what I want to do or who I want to be. One day, a friend suggests I come with her to a yoga class. Even without any fitness background or even a personal workout regimen, I say “what the hell” and join. 
Little did I know, my entire life was about to change. 
Yoga never felt like a workout to me, it was a work in. A chance to come back into my body and learn more about myself. 
A few years later, I finally picked up a weight and the rest is history. 
Finding yoga first, and ultimately my inner compass, created the foundation for a deeper strength training practice.
Now, it’s my goal to not only enhance your appreciation for yoga and strength, but also to help you develop a true conversation with yourself. By establishing this presence, you will truly have the tools to live your best life. 
As the creator and founder of Flow Into Strong, a Kettlebell specialist, 350hr registered yoga teacher, and personal trainer I’ve learned how powerful these movement styles can be for both myself and my clients. 
I’m here with you and for you, on this journey of self-acceptance, love, and confidence. 
Are you ready to come back home to YOU?
Join me as we Flow Into Strong.
#FlowIntoStrong today!

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